The guest speaker for the session was Mr. Bheem Singh, Deputy Manager (Law) in the Arbitration Cell of POWERGRID
A guest lecture was conducted on the topic: “Arbitration: Emerging Trends for Dispute Resolution” on 14th October 2022 by the Chanakya Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution, CNLU (CCADR).
The session commenced with a short introductory note by Ms. Aanchal Shrivastava (Student Member, CCADR), wherein she welcomed the guest speaker, Mr. Bheem Singh, working as a Deputy Manager (Law) in the Arbitration Cell of POWERGRID.
Mr. Singh commenced the lecture by giving an introductory note to the topic. He continued with the basics of Arbitration and how arbitration is the preferred mechanism among Alternate Dispute Resolution Mechanisms. He moved on to the germane of arbitration, in which he discussed Section 89 of CPC. He further discussed the challenges of domestic arbitration and listed a few of them. Various challenges like the Fee Structure Schedule, and recourse to Article 226/227, which mentions tribunals and HC’s power of superintendence over them and appointment of arbitrators by courts in domestic arbitration, were discussed with the help of recent case laws.
In the latter half of the session, the scope of power under Section 11 of the Arbitration was discussed by Mr. Singh. He also discussed the developments and enlargement of the scope of Section 11(6).
The session ended with a round of questions from the participants and a warm vote of thanks given by Ms. Aanchal Shrivastava. The session was attended by over 140 professionals and students from different universities. The session, along with Ms. Aanchal, was moderated by Mr. Shubh Gautam (Members, CCADR).
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the guest speaker.